Iron Without an Ironing Board: Life Hacks for Wrinkled Clothes

Ironing board is essential, but not a necessity. The literal definition of an ironing board is a flat, sturdy surface that can bear pressure and has padding to allow steam to seep in. Ironing is something we have to do everywhere. Ironing boards can not be easily carried while traveling, so to get off creases, you need to think smartly and manage your ironing issues. you can also go for some alternatives and learn about how to iron without an Ironing board.

Any surface that is hard and can easily bear pressure is able to become a temporary ironing board even if it’s not padded. Padding is necessary as the steam needs to evenly reach both sides of the garment and is also vital as excessive heat can damage whatever surface you are using. For that purpose, one can use beddings and linens that are used the least in the house.

A wooden base or marble surface of the kitchen’s countertop can easily become an ironing board. This guide is designed to help you figure out some general and basic ideas that you might want to consider when there is nothing specifically available and you have to wonder about ways how to iron without an ironing board.

Some easy steps to make it all easy breezy

Ironing as an Essential

If ironing is important and you can’t skip it, you should look for some ironing board alternatives. Setting up the whole thing and closing it again to store is a long process. If you’re in a hurry and want to cut straight to the ironing, you can try a makeshift ironing board by utilizing any smooth surface in your house.

Whatever surface you use, padding is necessary. A thick towel can work best as a a padding for your ironing board. if you don’t have a thicker towel, you can use two or three thin towel as a base for the surface but the towel should be white to make sure you don’t transfer any colour or print between the base and the garment.

Iron Alternatives – Energy-Saving Techniques for How to Iron without an Ironing board

How to Iron without an Ironing board

If you are in a hurry and want to skip the whole ironing part, you can look for these amazing iron alternatives that bring up good results.

  • Hang your clothes in Shower steam

Try using steam created after a shower in the bathroom. Steam can easily de-wrinkle clothes and you won’t need any ironing.

  • A damp towel toss

You can also try putting your clothes along with a damp towel in a dryer and create steam to release the creases.

  • Putting your clothes under a mattress

Putting your garment under a mattress can also ease out wrinkles by applying pressure and save much of your time.

  • Hair straightener

A flat iron or hair straightener can be used to make quick fixes on your sleeves or collars.

  • Using a steamer

A steamer is the best option to remove wrinkles instantly. It doesn’t require a huge setup and heats up in seconds to provide best results.

  • Blow dryer
press your clothes using a Blow dryer

Spray some water on the creases area and dry it with a blow dryer. This hack is ideal for quick fixes and works great on the tricky areas.

Make Your Own Ironing Board

If you have enough storage space in your laundry room, you can make an ironing board yourself or with the help of a carpenter.

Make Your Own Ironing Board

A DIY board requires following things:

  1. Polyester/ towel padding
  2. Wooden table
  3. Furniture stapler
  4. Cotton sheet

Procedure – Best DIY Ironing Board-How to Iron without an Ironing board

Take a wooden table from your storage that is not frequently used in your house. Fill up the upper surface with a polyester filling or thick towels.  Cover the base filling with a cotton sheet and staple it. Your DIY ironing board is ready.

If you wish to take help from a Carpenter, then you can add cabinets or drawers to the project for storing the iron and other ironing essential according to your needs.

Important tips before we dig more about the ironing alternatives

  • Try using a surface that is adjusted to your height rather than floor to prevent any back strain
  • Do not use a coloured padding as a base for any makeshift ironing board.
  • Always use something as ironing rest and do not keep it flat on the garment when it’s hot. You can use oven mitts as an iron rest
  • Use a washcloth to check the temperature of the iron before gliding it onto any garment.
  • Make sure to make the right settings on your iron to avoid any mishaps.
  • Must read the caution label on the garment before ironing any type of fabric.

Makeshift Ironing Boards-How to Iron without an Ironing Board

Following are the surfaces you can use a makeshift ironing board if you ironing without a board.

  • A washer or a dryer

A washer or a dryer is an ideal surface in your laundry room where you can easily wind up any ironing. If you have no ironing board, you can simply make a firm base with thick towels on the outer surface of the dryer or washer and make it useful as it can help with two things at a time, i-e ironing surfaces as well as washing.

  • Wooden/ tile floor

A wooden or tile floor can also be a best alternative for pressing your clothes if you’re ironing without a board. Do not do it directly on the floor, cover it with a thick base and make use of it. But be very careful with your back. Here are Ironing Tools you might like.

  • Pressing mat

A pressing mat is a mat designed specially for the purpose of Ironing without using any board. It is a great space saving idea. If you have no storage place, then a pressing mat is definitely for you. The mat is magnetic and can stick onto any metallic surface without the danger of slipping.

  • Ironing blanket

An ironing blanket is heat resistant and can be taken anywhere while traveling. It can bear heat and can transform any flat surface into ironing board.

  • Kitchen or bathroom counter
Kitchen or bathroom counter

These are the two surfaces that deals with heat alot. So you can easily use them for ironing board alternatives. These two surfaces are also best if you want those sharp crispy creases. You can also use a steam iron to give your garment a perfect look.

  • Wooden table

A wooden table is better than any other surface as it is up to your height. You can make a thick towel base and start ironing your clothes.

  • Using a steamer
Using a steamer

A steamer comes with its own garment hanger with a sturdy holder so you don’t have to own an ironing board of you have a steamer to remove wrinkles.

  • Using you bed
iron without an ironing board by Using bed

the surface of your bed can also be used as an ironing surface. Use cotton sheets to make a base and press your garment onto the surface to achieve Sharp creases.

Make your own ironing station anywhere you want – Ironing surfaces

  • Parchment paper

A parchment paper makes a barrier between the clothes and the iron. It can also help to distribute the steam evenly throughout the garment.

  • Pressing cloth

A pressing cloth not only saves heat damages but can also become an ironing station. It prevents any heat damage caused by the iron’s heat.

  • Pressing mat
iron your clothes by using Pressing mat

A pressing mat is magnetic and can stick onto any metallic surface. It doesn’t slip or leave place while you are gliding your iron over the fabric.

  • Ironing blanket

An ironing blanket is best for traveling.  It makes any smooth surface an ironing blanket and can help remove wrinkles easily with defining creases.

Frequently Asked questions

The answer is yes! You don’t necessarily need an ironing board. One can make several makeshift ironing boards without investing money at your home like kitchen counter, bed, wooden table washer or dryer etc.

Another thing you can do is to toss your clothes in a dryer with a damp towel to remove wrinkles and avoid iron as well as ironing in the first place. But if you want those sharp creases or a starched look, you won’t need an ironing board. This guide might help you select an alternative that well suits your needs.

Yes, if you have a wooden floor or wooden table, it can easily turn into an ironing board but make sure to cover it with something. Do not iron directly on the table. You can use a towel or cotton sheets to make a thick padding or base. Wood is a firm surface and can easily make a temporary ironing board.

Carpet itself is not an ideal thing for ironing but if you have a pressing mat or ironing blanket, you can place it on the carpet, set your iron up and carefully de-wrinkle clothes.

Generally,  an ironing board is not a necessity. You can easily make any flat surface your quick ironing station by placing any thick covering like pressing mat or old white towels to press your clothes. If you have low storage space, you can try ironing board alternatives.

You can use any flat surface like a wooden table, bed, carpet, dryer or washing machine as an ironing board. Just place a thick padding like towel or thick layers of clothes on the surface and make it your ironing station on the spot. After that simply fold your padding and keep the table in its position. You don’t even need a storage area for this DIY.

Yes, a towel is the most ideal fabric to use as a padding for an ironing board. Make sure to use a white towel to save your garment from getting any color transfer. Use two or three towels to make a thick padding.

A pressing mat is the ultimate solution for this. You can place the mat on any countertop or flat area, and start ironing your clothes. Some mats have a magnetic base to stick up on a metallic surface which works pretty well with a dryer or washer. You can also use a towel or old white bedsheet as a layer or padding for ironing.


With every problem comes a solution if you think and try different things as an alternative. I have tried all these techniques and the results were amazing. You can save a huge budget and get similar results without having to dedicate a storage space to your ironing board. Good luck !

Carol Roemer

About Author

Carol Roemer is an ironing expert and with her amazing experiences, she has made it possible for her readers to make ironing an enjoyable task. She loves trying new tricks and keeps  her readers informed about every successful hack.

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